6.3. Howdy Movie API

This document describes the lower level Howdy TMDB API, upon which get_mov_tor and howdy_movie_totgui are built. It lives in howdy.movie.

6.3.1. howdy.movie module

This module implements the lower-level functionality that does the following:

  • Stores and retrieves the TMDB API key.

  • Creates two configuration singletons, TMDBEngine and TMDBEngineSimple, that contain movie genre information from the TMDB database.

class howdy.movie.TMDBEngine(verify=True)

The singleton class that, once called, initializes movie genre information from the TMDB database. This object can then be accessed to find TMDB database genre IDs from genres or vice-versa. This also loads in all TTF fonts located in the resources directory.

See also


class __TMDBEngine(verify=True)

This object is only instantiated once. It implements mappings between TMDB API genre IDs and genre names (horror, comedy, etc.) and loads all TTF fonts from the resources subdirectory.


verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


genre_id (int) – the TMDB genre ID.


the movie genre.

Return type:



genre (str) – the movie genre.


the TMDB genre ID from the genre.

Return type:



a list of all the TMDB genre IDs.

Return type:



a list of all the movie genres.

Return type:



a TMDB api key.

Return type:


class howdy.movie.TMDBEngineSimple(verify=True)

The singleton class that, once called, initializes movie genre information from the TMDB database. This object can then be accessed to find TMDB database genre IDs from genres or vice-versa. Unlike TMDBEngine, this also does not contain the TMDB API key.

See also


class __TMDBEngine(verify=True)

This object is only instantiated once. It implements mappings between TMDB API genre IDs and genre names (horror, comedy, etc.).


verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


genre_id (int) – the TMDB genre ID.


the movie genre.

Return type:



genre (str) – the movie genre.


the TMDB genre ID from the genre.

Return type:



a list of all the TMDB genre IDs.

Return type:



a list of all the movie genres.

Return type:



b Returns the TMDB API key found in the SQLite3 configuration database (specifically the tmdb service column in the plexconfig table). Otherwise returns None if not found.


the TMDB API key.

Return type:



Saves the provided TMDB API key into the plexconfig table, under the tmdb service, in the SQLite3 configuration database.


apikey (str) – the TMDB API key.

6.3.2. howdy.movie.movie module

This module contains the main back-end functionality used by the get_mov_tor and howdy_movie_totgui, and other functionalities that are used by methods in the Howdy TV API. Here are the main features of this module.

  • Retrieving TV show information using the TMDB database.

  • Getting comprehensive movie information.

howdy.movie.movie.createProcessedMovieData(results, year=None, verify=True)

Takes the list of raw movie data (one row per movie) produced by TMDB, and then processes each row in the following way.

  • If a year is specified in this method, then reject any movie that has not been aired that year.

  • Takes the str release date that TMDB produces by default, and converts that into a date.

  • Fixes up the vote_average value for the movie.

  • Tries to find the IMDB ID for a movie.

  • results (list) – the pre-processed list of movies that the TMDB database produces through its API.

  • year (int) – optional argument. If defined, then reject any movie not produced that year.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is False.


the post-processed and filtered list of movies with fixed and extra data.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.getMovieData(year, genre_id, verify=True)

This returns all the movies found by TMDB in a given year, of a given TMDB genre ID.

  • year (int) – the year on which to search.

  • genre_id (int) –

    the TMDB genre ID. The mapping of TMDB genre ID to genre is,

    {12: 'Adventure',
     14: 'Fantasy',
     16: 'Animation',
     18: 'Drama',
     27: 'Horror',
     28: 'Action',
     35: 'Comedy',
     36: 'History',
     37: 'Western',
     53: 'Thriller',
     80: 'Crime',
     99: 'Documentary',
     878: 'Science Fiction',
     9648: 'Mystery',
     10402: 'Music',
     10749: 'Romance',
     10751: 'Family',
     10752: 'War',
     10770: 'TV Movie'}

    If genre_id is -1, then ALL movies (of all genres) are chosen.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is False.


a list of TMDB movie data released that year in that genre.

Return type:



This method can take an arbitrary long time to run. The author has seen this method take \(\ge 600\) seconds in some instances. One should be careful when testing this functionality.

howdy.movie.movie.get_actor_ids_dict(actor_names, verify=True)

Returns a dict of actor names to their TMDB actor ID.

  • actor_names (iterable) – an iterable collection (list, set, etc.) of actor names.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a dict, where the key is the actor name and its value is the TMDB actor ID. For example, if we want to get the ids for Steve Martin and Richard Pryor,

{'Richard Pryor': 9309, 'Steve Martin': 67773}

If no actors can be found, then returns an empty dictionary.

howdy.movie.movie.get_cast_and_crew(tmdb_id, num_actors=3, verify=True)

Gets the top num_actors, director, and producer for the movie specified by its TMDB ID.

  • tmdb_id (int) – the TMDB ID of the movie.

  • num_actors (int) – optinal argument, the top number of actors to choose. Default is 3. must be \(\ge 1\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a dict containing the top num_actors main actors, producers, and director of the movie. For example, the movie Novocaine (2001) has tmdb_id = 20794. This returns the following information,

{ 'actors' : [ 'Steve Martin', 'Laura Dern', 'Helena Bonham Carter' ],
  'producers' : [ 'Daniel M. Rosenberg', 'Paul Mones' ],
  'director' : 'David Atkins' }

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_episodes_series_tmdb(tv_id, verify=True)

Returns a list of episodes from the TMDB database for a TV show. Otherwise returns None if cannot be found.

  • tv_id (int) – the TMDB series ID for the TV show.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a list of episodes for this TV show, ordered by air date. Each element is a summary of an episode with the following keys.

  • airedSeason is the season the episode aired.

  • airedEpisodeNumber is the order in the season that the episode aired.

  • firstAired is a str representation, in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”, when the episode aired.

  • overview is a plot summary of the episode.

For example, for The Simpsons,

[{'airedSeason': 1,
  'airedEpisodeNumber': 1,
  'firstAired': '1989-12-17',
  'episodeName': 'Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire',
    "When his Christmas bonus is cancelled..."},
 {'airedSeason': 1,
  'airedEpisodeNumber': 2,
  'firstAired': '1990-01-14',
  'episodeName': 'Bart the Genius',
    "After switching IQ tests with Martin, Bart..."},
 {'airedSeason': 1,
  'airedEpisodeNumber': 3,
  'firstAired': '1990-01-21',
  'episodeName': "Homer's Odyssey",
    'Homer is fired for nearly causing a meltdown...'},
 {'airedSeason': 1,
  'airedEpisodeNumber': 4,
  'firstAired': '1990-01-28',
  'episodeName': "There's No Disgrace Like Home",
    'After an embarrassing experience at the company picnic...'}

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_genre_movie(title, year=None, checkMultiple=True, verify=True)

Gets the main genre of a movie.

  • title (str) – the movie name.

  • year (int) – optional argument. If defined, check only on movies released that year.

  • checkMultiple (bool) – optional argument. If True, then do an involved search where each word in the title is individually capitalized. This functionality was developed to make TMDB movie searches more robust. Default is True.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is False.


the main movie genre, which can be one of action, animation, comedy, documentary, drama, hindi, horror, horror, science fiction.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_imdbid_from_id(tmdb_id, verify=True)

Finds the IMDB ID for a movie from its TMDB ID.

  • tmdb_id (int) – the TMDB movie ID.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


the IMDB movie ID. If cannot be found, returns None.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_movie_info(tmdb_id, verify=True)

Gets movie information for a movie.

  • tmdb_id (int) – the TMDB movie ID.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a comprehensive dict of summary information for the movie. For example, for Star Wars,

{'adult': False,
 'backdrop_path': '/4iJfYYoQzZcONB9hNzg0J0wWyPH.jpg',
 'belongs_to_collection': {'id': 10,
  'name': 'Star Wars Collection',
  'poster_path': '/iTQHKziZy9pAAY4hHEDCGPaOvFC.jpg',
  'backdrop_path': '/d8duYyyC9J5T825Hg7grmaabfxQ.jpg'},
 'budget': 11000000,
 'genres': [{'id': 12, 'name': 'Adventure'},
  {'id': 28, 'name': 'Action'},
  {'id': 878, 'name': 'Science Fiction'}],
 'id': 11,
 'imdb_id': 'tt0076759',
 'original_language': 'en',
 'original_title': 'Star Wars',
 'overview': 'Princess Leia is captured and held hostage...',
 'popularity': 50.48,
 'poster_path': '/btTdmkgIvOi0FFip1sPuZI2oQG6.jpg',
 'production_companies': [{'id': 1,
   'logo_path': '/o86DbpburjxrqAzEDhXZcyE8pDb.png',
   'name': 'Lucasfilm',
   'origin_country': 'US'},
  {'id': 25,
   'logo_path': '/qZCc1lty5FzX30aOCVRBLzaVmcp.png',
   'name': '20th Century Fox',
   'origin_country': 'US'}],
 'production_countries': [{'iso_3166_1': 'US',
   'name': 'United States of America'}],
 'release_date': '1977-05-25',
 'revenue': 775398007,
 'runtime': 121,
 'spoken_languages': [{'iso_639_1': 'en', 'name': 'English'}],
 'status': 'Released',
 'tagline': 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...',
 'title': 'Star Wars',
 'video': False,
 'vote_average': 8.2,
 'vote_count': 12125}

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_movie_tmdbids(title, year=None, getAll=False, verify=True)

Gets either a list of TMDB movie IDs that match a movie name, or a single best TMDB movie ID.

  • title (str) – the movie name.

  • year (int) – optional argument. If defined, check only on movies released that year.

  • getAll (bool) – optional argument. If True, then find all matches. If False, only return the best match. Default is False.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is False.


If getAll` is ``True, then return a list of all TMDB movie IDs that match title. If it is `False`, then return a single (int) best TMDB movie ID match to title. If there are no matches, return None.

Return type:

If getAll is True, a list. If getAll is False, an int.

howdy.movie.movie.get_movies_by_actors(actor_name_dict, verify=True)

Finds the movies where a set of actors have acted together.

  • actor_name_dict (dict) – the dict, of format returned by get_actor_ids_dict, of the collection of actors.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a list of movies in which these actors have acted. For example, here are the three movies that TMDB found in which Steve Martin and Richard Pryor acted together.

[{'title': 'The Muppet Movie',
  'release_date': datetime.datetime(1979, 6, 22, 0, 0),
  'popularity': 7.743,
  'vote_average': 7.1,
  'overview': 'Kermit the Frog is persuaded by agent...',
  'isFound': False,
  'tmdb_id': 11176,
  'imdb_id': 'tt0079588'},
 {'title': 'And the Oscar Goes To...',
  'release_date': datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 2, 0, 0),
  'popularity': 4.188,
  'vote_average': 7.0,
  'overview':  'The story of the gold-plated statuette...',
  'isFound': False,
  'tmdb_id': 253639,
  'imdb_id': 'tt3481232'},
 {'title': "Cutting Edge Comedians of the '60s & '70s",
  'release_date': datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 10, 0, 0),
  'popularity': 0.842,
  'vote_average': 0.0,
  'overview': 'In the late 1950s, a fresh, unconventional style...',
  'isFound': False,
  'tmdb_id': 78710,
  'imdb_id': 'tt1002564'}]

If no common movies can be found, then returns an empty list.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_movies_by_title(title, verify=True, apiKey=None)

Gets a collection of movies that the TMDB database finds that matches a movie name.

  • title (str) – the movie name.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.

  • apiKey (str) – optional argument, the TMDB API key.


a list of movies that match title according to TMDB. For example, 128 movies are a “match” for Star Wars, according to TMDB. Here is the top match (all movies have the same dict format).

{'title': 'Star Wars',
 'release_date': datetime.datetime(1997, 1, 31, 0, 0),
 'popularity': 50.48,
 'vote_average': 8.2,
 'overview': 'Princess Leia is captured and held hostage...',
 'isFound': False,
 'tmdb_id': 11,
 'imdb_id': 'tt0076759'}

If no matches can be found, then this method returns an empty list.

Return type:


See also


howdy.movie.movie.get_tv_ids_by_series_name(series_name, verify=True)

Returns a list of TMDB series IDs that match to a given TV show name.

  • series_name (str) – the name of the TV series.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a list of TMDB series IDs..

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_tv_imdbid_by_id(tv_id, verify=True)

Returns the IMDb ID for a TV show.

  • tv_id (int) – the TMDB series ID for the TV show.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


the IMDB ID for that TV show. Otherwise returns None if cannot be found.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_tv_info_for_season(tv_id, season, verify=True)

Finds TMDB database information for the TV show and a specific season.

  • tv_id (int) – the TMDB series ID for the TV show.

  • season (int) – the season on the TV show.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a comprehensive dict of TMDB information on the TV show and the given season. Example nicely formatted JSON representation for The Simpsons Season 10 is located in tmdb_simpsons_info.json. Otherwise returns None if TV show cannot be found.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie.get_tv_info_for_series(tv_id, verify=True)

Finds TMDB database information for the TV show.

  • tv_id (int) – the TMDB series ID for the TV show.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


a comprehensive dict of TMDB information on the TV show. Example nicely formatted JSON representation for The Simpsons is located in tmdb_simpsons_info.json. Otherwise returns None if TV show cannot be found.

Return type:


6.3.3. howdy.movie.movie_torrents module

This module implements higher level interfaces to the Jackett torrent searching server, and functionality that allows for the automatic download of episodes missing from the Plex Movie library. It is very similar to the tv.tv_torrents module, except for the following differences.

  • methods here are called with movie_torrent_ instead of tv_torrent_.

  • no method that searches on the Torrentz torrent tracker.

  • an extra method, get_movie_torrent uses the YTS API to retrieve movie torrent files instead of Magnet links.

Here are the six methods that return the movie magnet links found by different torrent services – get_movie_torrent_eztv_io (EZTV.IO), get_movie_torrent_zooqle (Zooqle), get_movie_torrent_rarbg (RARBG), get_movie_torrent_kickass (KickassTorrents), get_movie_torrent_tpb (The Pirate Bay), and the unified torrent searcher get_movie_torrent_jackett (Jackett torrent search) – produce a common two element tuple output format.

  • If successful, then the first element is a list of elements that match the searched episode. Each element is a dict, ordered by the total number of seeds and leechs. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The common keys in each element are,

    • title is usually the name of the candidate movie to download.

    • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

    • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

    • link is the Magnet URI link.

    Some methods may have more keys. For example, the top candidate when running data, status = get_movie_torrent_zooqle( 'Star Trek Beyond' ) (a search on Zooqle for Star Trek Beyond) is,

    {'title': 'Star Trek Beyond (2016) [720p] (897.141 MB)',
     'raw_title': 'Star Trek Beyond (2016) [720p]',
      'seeders': 219,
      'leechers': 17,
      'link': 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:87e08ea9ed87fd2b54ba66c755cf054889680f17&dn=Star+Trek+Beyond+(2016)+[720p]&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.pomf.se%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftorrent.gresille.org%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F11.rarbg.com%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F11.rarbg.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ex.ua%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.ex.ua%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.careland.com.cn%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fglotorrents.pw%3A6969%2Fannounce',
      'torrent_size' : 940720557}

    The extra keys here are torrent_size (the size of the candidate in bytes), and raw_title (the name of the candidate to download). Here title is the name of the candidate, and in parentheses is the size of the download in MB or GB.

An extra method, get_movie_torrent uses the YTS API to retrieve movie torrent files.

As of July 30, 2024, here are three movie torrent finding methods that work and don’t work when searching for Star Trek Beyond. See Table 5.1 for a description of what services or trackers work for downloading TV torrents.

Table 6.1 Which Movie Torrent Trackers or Services Work?

Torrent Service


Search Method

Does It Work?

















The Pirate Bay




Jackett torrent search








howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent(name, verify=True)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie found using Torrent files using the YTS API torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of Torrent files that match the searched movie, ordered from earliest to latest year of release. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_eztv_io(name, maxnum=10, verify=True, tmdb_id=None)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the EZTV.IO torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argument, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 10. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.

  • tmdb_id (str) – optional argument. The TMDB ID of the movie.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is the name of the candidate movie to download, and in parentheses is the size of the download in MB or GB.

  • rawtitle is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

  • torrent_size is the size of this torrent in MB.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:



As of July 30, 2024, cannot get it to work when giving it valid movie searches, such as "Star Trek Beyond". See Table 6.1.

howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_jackett(name, maxnum=10, verify=True, doRaw=False, tmdb_id=None)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the main Jackett torrent searching service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argumeent, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 10. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.

  • doRaw (bool) – optional argument. If True, uses the IMDb information to search for the movie. Otherwise, uses the full string in name to search for the movie.

  • tmdb_id (int) – optional argument. If defined, use this TMDB movie ID to search for magnet links.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is the name of the candidate movie to download, and in parentheses the size of the candidate in MB or GB.

  • rawtitle is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

  • torrent_size is the size of this torrent in GB.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:


howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_kickass(name, maxnum=10, verify=True)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the KickAssTorrents torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argument, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 10. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:



As of July 30, 2024, cannot get it to work when giving it valid movie searches, such as "Star Trek Beyond". See Table 6.1.

howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_rarbg(name, maxnum=10, verify=True)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the RARBG torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argument, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 10. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:



As of July 30, 2024, cannot get it to work when giving it valid movie searches, such as "Star Trek Beyond". See Table 6.1.

howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_tpb(name, maxnum=10, doAny=False, verify=True)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the The Pirate Bay torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argument, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 100. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • doAny (bool) – optional argument. If True, then only search through TV shows. Otherwise, search through all media.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

  • torrent_size is the size of this torrent in bytes.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:



As of July 30, 2024, cannot get it to work when giving it valid movie searches, such as "Star Trek Beyond". See Table 6.1.

howdy.movie.movie_torrents.get_movie_torrent_zooqle(name, maxnum=10, verify=True)

Returns a tuple of candidate movie Magnet links found using the Zooqle torrent service and the string "SUCCESS", if successful.

  • name (str) – the movie string on which to search.

  • maxnum (int) – optional argument, the maximum number of magnet links to return. Default is 100. Must be \(\ge 5\).

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


if successful, then returns a two member tuple the first member is a list of elements that match the searched movie, ordered from most seeds and leechers to least. The second element is the string "SUCCESS". The keys in each element of the list are,

  • title is the name of the candidate movie to download, and in parentheses is the size of the download in MB or GB.

  • rawtitle is only the name of the candidate movie to download.

  • seeders is the number of seeds for this Magnet link.

  • leechers is the number of leeches for this Magnet link.

  • link is the Magnet URI link.

  • torrent_size is the size of this torrent in MB.

If this is unsuccessful, then returns an error tuple of the form returned by return_error_raw.

Return type:
