6. Core APIs

This document describes the nprstuff core API, which provides the low-level back-end for the CLI front ends described in Core Functionality and New Functionality. These modules live under nprstuff.core.

The most fundamental change, from the older NPR API, is the usage of webscraping (through Selenium) and inference to craft responses that return stories for NPR Fresh Air and NPR Wait Wait episodes. Here is a screenshot.


To get NPR Wait Wait episodes for 8 AUGUST 2020, one needs to put this URL into address bar of the Selenium headless browser,

https://www.npr.org/search?query=*&page=1&refinementList[shows]=Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!&range[lastModifiedDate][min]=1596783600&range[lastModifiedDate][max]=1596870000&sortType=byDateAsc

This unwieldy process required a fair amount of trial and error to (mostly) work.

Second, I have redesigned the Python logging functionality in the following way,

  • custom format of the logging output, formatted as '%(levelname)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s (%(lineno)d): %(message)s'. See the logging cookbook for more information on what this format means.

  • the Core Functionality command line tools have an extra argument flag, --level, that specifies whether to print out logging output and the following debug levels: DEBUG, INFO, or ERROR.

6.1. npr_utils module

This module contains common utilities to get the proper metadata for NPR programs, to name these media files in the proper date format, and to get the full paths to the LibAV or FFMPEG and HandBrakeCLI tools used to create the NPR programs in M4A and MP3 formats (among other functionalities).

class nprstuff.core.npr_utils.MyPool(processes=None, initializer=None, initargs=(), maxtasksperchild=None, context=None)

A magic type of Pool whose processes can spawn other processes. This allows one to create a pool of workers that can spawn other processes (by default, multiprocessing does not allow this).

I copied the code from this website and a new website, without any real understanding EXCEPT that I am extending a Pool.


this method searches first for the avconv, then the FFmpeg, executable for audiovisual conversion. If it finds either executable, returns a dict that looks like { 'avconv' : <EXEC_PATH> }, where <EXEC_PATH> is the executable’s path. If it does NOT find it, returns None.

nprstuff.core.npr_utils.get_NPR_URL(date_s, program_id, NPR_API_key)

get the NPR API tag for a specific NPR program.

  • date_s (str) – a date string formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD”.

  • program_id (int) – the NPR program’s integer ID.

  • NPR_API_key (str) – the NPR API key.


a str of the exploded URL for REST API calls to the NPR API server.

Return type:



no methods call this function any more, instead using the requests module’s cleaner, higher-level functionality of REST API commands.


the NPR API key, stored in` the SQLite3 configuration database.

Return type:


See also



a Chromium Selenium headless Webdriver.

See also



date_act (datetime) – the candidate datetime to format.


a str, with the format like “January 1, 2014”, of this datetime.

Return type:



date_s (str) – a decoded date string, of the format “DD.MM.YYYY”. This is a suffix attached to intermediate files that are created when downloading NPR shows.


a datetime object associated with this date string.

Return type:



a Firefox Selenium headless Webdriver.

See also



the NPR Fresh Air default download directory, stored in the SQLite3 configuration database.

Return type:



Returns the 1-indexed order of the Saturday associated with a given date. NOTE: this object MUST be a Saturday.


date_act (date) – the candidate Saturday.


a tuple of 1-indexed order, and total number of Saturdays, in the year in which this Saturday exists.

Return type:



Returns the 1-indexed order of the weekday associated with a given date. NOTE: this object MUST be a weekday.


date_act (date) – the candidate weekday.


a tuple of 1-indexed order of the weekday, and total number of weekdays, in the year in which this date exists.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.npr_utils.get_saturday_times_in_year(year, getAll=True)

Returns a sorted list of Saturdays, as date objects for a given year, either all the Saturdays or all the Saturdays before now.

  • year (int) – the year over which to find the weekdays.

  • getAll (bool) – if True, then return all the Saturdays. If False, return those Saturdays before today.


a sorted list of Saturdays as a date objects.

Return type:



datestring (str) – a formatted date string, which must be of the form “January 1, 2014”.


a date object represented by that formatted date string.

Return type:



the NPR Wait Wait default download directory, stored in the SQLite3 configuration database.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.npr_utils.get_weekday_times_in_year(year, getAll=True)

Returns a sorted list of weekdays, as date objects for a given year, either all the weekdays or all the weekdays before now.

  • year (int) – the year over which to find the weekdays.

  • getAll (bool) – if True, then return all the weekdays. If False, return those weekdays before today.


a sorted list of weekdays as a date objects.

Return type:



date_act (date) – candidate date.


whether the date is a Saturday.

Return type:



date_act (date) – candidate date.


whether the date is a Sunday.

Return type:



date_act (date) – candidate date.


whether the date is a weekday.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.npr_utils.saturdays_of_month_of_year(year, month)
  • year (int) – input year.

  • month (int) – input month as an integer from 1 (January) through 12 (December).


a sorted list of days in a calendar month that are Saturdays, each of which ranges from first (1) to last day of month. Each day is an integer \(\ge 1\).

Return type:



Stores a candidate NPR API key into the SQLite3 configuration database.


npr_API_key (str) – candidate NPR API key.


the string "SUCCESS" if could store the new NPR API KEY. Otherwise, the string 'ERROR, COULD NOT STORE NPR_DATA api.'.

Return type:


See also



Stores the default location of the NPR Fresh Air episodes into the SQLite3 configuration database.


freshair_downloaddir (str) – the default directory to download NPR Fresh Air episodes.


the string "SUCCESS" if could store the default directory to download NPR Fresh Air episodes. Otherwise, the string 'ERROR, COULD NOT STORE NPR_DATA FRESHAIR DIRECTORY.'.

Return type:



Stores the default location of the NPR Fresh Air episodes into the SQLite3 configuration database.


waitwait_downloaddir (str) – the default directory to download `NPR Wait Wait Air`_ episodes.


the string "SUCCESS" if could store the default directory to download `NPR Wait Wairt`_ episodes. Otherwise, the string 'ERROR, COULD NOT STORE NPR_DATA WAITWAIT DIRECTORY.'.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.npr_utils.weekdays_of_month_of_year(year, month)
  • year (int) – input year.

  • month (int) – input month as an integer from 1 (January) through 12 (December).


a sorted list of days in a calendar month that are weekdays, each of which ranges from first (1) to last day of month. Each day is an integer \(\ge 1\).

Return type:


6.2. convert_image_youtube module

This module provides (for now) the low-level functionality to use the CloudConvert API to convert PDF, PNG, and SVG images into a final PNG image, and to create animated GIF files from YouTube_ clips.

This module also requires QSvgRenderer and QByteArray for some of its functionality. However, PyPI does not have Python bindings to QtSVG. To install on an Ubuntu machine, you can thoughts and prayers these instructions

sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg

There may be similar installation instructions on other Linux, Windows and Mac OS X machines.

6.3. music_to_m4a module

This module provides low-level functionality that converts other music formats (MP3, OGG, and FLAC) into M4A. It also contains functionality to fix M4A metadata.

nprstuff.core.music_to_m4a.get_defaultname(m4afilename, showalbum=False)

Returns a candidate default file name for an M4A file, given its metadata.

  • m4afilename (str) – the input M4A file name.

  • showalbum (bool) – optional argument. If True, then file name will include the song’s album. If False, only the artist and song title.


the candidate file name for the M4A file. If showalbum is True, name is <artist>.<album>.<song>.m4a. If False, name is <artist>.<song>.m4a.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.music_to_m4a.music_to_m4a(filename, tottracks=None, album_path=None, outfile=None, verbose=True, toUpper=True)

Converts a non M4A file (MP3, OGG, or FLAC) into an M4A file.

  • filename (str) – the input filename.

  • tottracks (int) – optional argument, the total number of tracks for the song in its album. If None, then the total number of tracks won’t explicitly be defined. Must be \(\ge 1\).

  • album_path (str) – optional argument, the file path to the album cover (must be a PNG or JPEG file). If None, then no album cover will be added to the M4A song’s metadata.

  • outfile (str) – optional argument, the name of the output M4A file. If None, then file’s name is <artist>.<song>.m4a.

  • verbose (bool) – optional argument. If True, the print out more debugging output.

  • toUpper (bool) – optional argument. If True, then run titlecase on the song title.


Renames an M4A music file to <artist>.<song>.m4a, where <artist> is the artist name and <song> is the song title.


m4filename (str) – the input M4A file name.

6.4. freshair and freshair_by_year modules

These two modules provide the low level functionality to process and download NPR Fresh Air episodes. Until a few months ago, the older NPR API existed and worked without issues, but because it was so successful it went away. I now try to fix functionality that is broken, but it is slow undocumented going – hence, diffusion.

nprstuff.core.freshair.get_freshair(outputdir, date_s, order_totnum=None, debug=False, check_if_exist=False, mp3_exist=False, relax_date_check=False)

The main driver method that downloads NPR Fresh Air episodes for a given date into a specified output directory.

  • outputdir (str) – the directory into which one downloads the NPR Fresh Air episodes.

  • date_s (date) – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • order_totnum (tuple) – optional argument, the tuple of track number and total number of tracks of NPR Fresh Air episodes for that year. If None, then this information is gathered from get_order_num_weekday_in_year.

  • debug (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup HTML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode, or its file representation. Default is False.

  • check_if_exist (bool) – optional argument, if True and if the correct file name for the NPR Fresh Air episode exists, then won’t overwrite it. Default is False.

  • mp3_exist (bool) – optional argument, if True then check whether the transitional MP3 files for the stories in the NPR Fresh Air episode has been downloaded and use the fully downloaded stories to compose an episode. Otherwise, ignore existing downloaded MP3 stories for download.

  • relax_date_check (bool) – optional argument, if True then do NOT check for article date in NPR stories. Default is False.


the name of the NPR Fresh Air episode file.

Return type:



candidateNPRFreshAirFile (str) – the name of the NPR Fresh Air episode file name.


the date object from the NPR Fresh Air episode file name.

Return type:



Get the NPR Fresh Air logo as binary data.


the NPR Fresh Air logo as binary data, see below.

nprstuff.core.freshair.get_freshair_valid_dates_remaining_tuples(yearnum, inputdir)
  • yearnum (int) – the year for which to search for missing NPR Fresh Air episodes.

  • inputfdir (str) – the directory in which the NPR Fresh Air episodes live.


a sorted list of tuple, ordered by candidate track number of the NPR Fresh Air episode. The tuple has three elements: the track number of NPR Fresh Air episodes that year, the total number of NPR Fresh Air episodes that year, and the date for that episode.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.freshair.get_title_mp3_urls_attic(outputdir, date_s, debug=False, to_file_debug=True)

older functionality that uses the old NPR API to get an ordered list of tuple of stories for an NPR Fresh Air episode. Here is an example operation,

>> date_s = datetime.datetime.strptime('July 31, 2020', '%B %d, %Y' ).date( )
>> title_mp3_urls = get_title_mp3_urls_attic( date_s )
>> title_list_mp3_urls
>> [('Remembering Regis Philbin, Prolific Talk and Game Show Personality',
 ("With 'Folklore,' Taylor Swift Marks Off Her Past and Enters a New Phase",
 ('Remembering Jazz Singer Annie Ross',
 ("'Muppets Now' Proves It's Not Easy to Capture the Old Muppet Magic",


I was able to get this to work by replacing the https:// in the API URL query with http://.

  • outputdir (str) – the directory into which one downloads the NPR Fresh Air episodes.

  • date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • debug (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode, or its file representation. Default is False.

  • to_file_debug (bool) – optional argument, if True dumps out the file representation of the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode. Default is False.


the list of stories, by order, for the NPR Fresh Air episode. The first element of each tuple is the story title, and th second is the MP3 URL for the story. However, if debug is True and to_file_debug is True, returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for this NPR Fresh Air episode.

nprstuff.core.freshair.get_title_mp3_urls_working(outputdir, date_s, driver, debug=False, to_file_debug=True, relax_date_check=False)

Using the new, non-API NPR functionality, get a list of tuple of stories for an NPR Fresh Air episode. This uses a Webdriver to get an episode. Here is an example operation,

>> date_s = datetime.datetime.strptime('July 31, 2020', '%B %d, %Y' ).date( )
>> title_mp3_urls = get_title_mp3_urls_working( date_s, driver )
>> title_list_mp3_urls
>> [('Remembering Regis Philbin, Prolific Talk and Game Show Personality',
 ("With 'Folklore,' Taylor Swift Marks Off Her Past and Enters a New Phase",
 ('Remembering Jazz Singer Annie Ross',
 ("'Muppets Now' Proves It's Not Easy to Capture the Old Muppet Magic",
  • date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • driver – the Webdriver used for webscraping and querying (instead of using a functional API) for NPR Fresh Air episodes.

  • debug (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode, or its file representation. Default is False.

  • to_file_debug (bool) – optional argument, if True dumps out the file representation of the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode. Default is False.

  • relax_date_check (bool) – optional argument, if True then do NOT check for article date in NPR stories. Default is False.


the list of stories, by order, for the NPR Fresh Air episode. The first element of each tuple is the story title, and th second is the MP3 URL for the story. However, if debug is True, returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for this NPR Fresh Air episode.

nprstuff.core.freshair.get_title_mp3_urls_working_2023(date_s, debug=False)

Maybe this works? Trying out on 2023-08-18 (day after my 45th birthday). Same format as get_title_mp3_urls_working. Example code block below:

>> date_s = datetime.datetime.strptime('August 17, 2023', '%B %d, %Y' ).date( )
>> title_mp3_urls = get_title_mp3_urls_working_2023( date_s )
>> title_mp3_urls
>> [("James McBride's 'Heaven & Earth' is an all-American mix of prejudice and hope",
 ("'Like it or not, we live in Oppenheimer's world,' says director Christopher Nolan",
  • date_s (date) – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • debug (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup HTML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode, or its file representation. Default is False.


the list of stories, by order, for the NPR Fresh Air episode. The first element of each tuple is the story title, and the second is the MP3 URL for the story. Otherwise returns None.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.freshair.process_all_freshairs_by_year(yearnum, inputdir, verbose=True, justCoverage=False)

Either downloads all missing NPR Fresh Air episodes for a given year, or prints out a report of those missing episodes.

  • yearnum (int) – the year for which to search for missing NPR Fresh Air episodes.

  • inputdir (str) – the directory in which the NPR Fresh Air episodes live.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, the print out more debugging output.

  • justCoverage (bool) – if True, then only report on missing NPR Fresh Air episodes.

See also


nprstuff.core.freshair_by_year.create_plot_year(year=2010, format='svgz', dirname='/mnt/software/sources/pythonics/nprstuff/docsrc')

Creates an SVGZ (GZIP compressed SVG) calendar plot that summarizes the NPR Fresh Air episodes in a specified year. It is easier to show the figure with description than to describe without a figure, here for 2020 (created on 13 AUGUST 2020).


The dark blue boxes are for existing episodes. The light yellow boxes are for episodes that have not yet aired. The light orange boxes are for missing episodes. And those boxes colored from light orange on the left to turquoise on the right are underoccupied episodes: I have downloaded them, but they are shorter than the published duration of that NPR Fresh Air episode.

  • year (int) – the calendar year.

  • format (str) – the format of the figure to create. Must be one of svgz, svg, or png. Default is svgz.

  • dirname (str) – the directory into which to dump these figures. Default is current working directory.

See also


nprstuff.core.freshair_by_year.find_occupied_days(mon, year=2010)
  • mon (int) – the calendar month. January is 1, December is 12.

  • year (int) – the calendar year.


a set of calendar weekdays of NPR Fresh Air episodes for that calendar month and year.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.freshair_by_year.find_underoccupied_dates(mon, year=2010)
  • mon (int) – the calendar month. January is 1, December is 12.

  • year (int) – the calendar year.


a dict: key is the day of the month and year, and value is the (candidate, too short) length of the NPR Fresh Air episode on file, in seconds.

Return type:



returns a hex color linearly interpolated between “#1f77b4” (value of 0.0) and “#ff7f0e” (value of 1.0) for a value \(0 \le v \le 1\).


discrep (float) – the value over which to interpolate to return a hex color.


a hex color linearly interpolated between “#1f77b4” (value of 0.0) and “#ff7f0e” (value of 1.0).

Return type:


nprstuff.core.freshair_by_year.suncal(mon, year=2010)

returns the calendar of day numbers for a given month and year, as numpy integer array of 7 columns (Sunday is the column 0, and Saturday is column 6). For example, for December 2019, here is the output.

>> suncal( 12, 2019 )
>> array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7],
[ 8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
[15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21],
[22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28],
[29, 30, 31,  0,  0,  0,  0]])

Here, December 1, 2019, is a Sunday, and December 7, 2019, is a Saturday. Zero array values are not in December 2019 (December 31, 2019, is a Tuesday).

  • mon (int) – the calendar month. January is 1, December is 12.

  • year (int) – the calendar year.


an integer numpy array of calendar days for that month and year.

Return type:

numpy array

See also


6.5. thisamericanlife module

This module provides the low level functionality to the This American Life CLI and some extra functionality.

nprstuff.core.thisamericanlife.get_TAL_URL(epno, verify=True)

returns the MP3 URL of the This American Life episode.

  • epno (int) – the episode number of This American Life.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.


the URL for This American Life episode. If URL could not be found, returns None.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.thisamericanlife.get_american_life(epno, directory='/mnt/media/thisamericanlife', extraStuff=None, verify=True, dump=False, hardURL=None)

Downloads an episode of This American Life into a given directory.

  • epno (int) – the episode number of This American Life.

  • directory (str) – the directory into which to download a This American Life episode. Default is /mnt/media/thisamericanlife.

  • extraStuff (str) – additional stuff to put into the candidate URL for This American Life episodes. Default is None.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.

  • dump (bool) – optional argument, if True then instead of downloading first This American Life, downloads the XML info as a file, named PRI.ThisAmericanLife.<NUM>.xml. Default is False.

  • hardURL (str) – optional argument, the hard-coded URL for a given TAL episode, if epno does not work.


This downloads remaining This American Life episodes. To determine missing episodes, it first finds the maximum episode number that we have downloaded. It subtracts the episodes we have downloaded from the integer list that runs from 1 to the maximum episode number. Then it downloads these remaining episodes in parallel.

nprstuff.core.thisamericanlife.get_americanlife_info(epno, throwException=True, extraStuff=None, verify=True, dump=False, directory='.', hardURL=None)

Returns a tuple of title, year given the episode number for This American Life. Sometimes This American Life is extremely uncooperative; for example, on 25 OCTOBER 2020, This American Life said episode 721 implied that it was “Small Worlds”, but in actuality it was The Moment After This Moment. An extra optional argument, hardURL, is used to hard-encode this URL if the standard method of supplying an episode number through epno does not work.

  • epno (int) – the episode number of This American Life.

  • throwException (bool) – optional argument, whether to throw a ValueError exception if cannot find the title of this candidate This American Life episode. Default is True.

  • extraStuff (str) – additional stuff to put into the candidate URL for This American Life episodes. Default is None.

  • verify (bool) – optional argument, whether to verify SSL connections. Default is True.

  • dump (bool) – optional argument, if True then instead of downloading first This American Life, downloads the XML info as a file, named PRI.ThisAmericanLife.<NUM>.xml. Default is False.

  • directory (str) – the directory into which to download a This American Life episode. Default is the current working directory.


a tuple of title, year, and html in which this episode was aired. Otherwise, if throwException is False and title is not found, returns None. html is the BeautifulSoup tree of the XML data for this This American Life episode.

Return type:


See also



This is one of those, “I completely give up on trying to figure out why the This American Life website is barfing out with 403 error messages”, kinds of messages. Instead, I use the This American Life InfoExtractor from yt-dlp to get at the TAL episode’s URL-that-works.


epno (int) – the episode number of This American Life.


the URL as a str that get_americanlife_info uses.

Return type:



Downloads a This American Life episode every weekend. It looks at the This American Life website to determine the latest episode.


UPDATE 10 JANUARY 2021, it no longer uses the Feedparser’s functionality using its RSS feed.

6.6. waitwait and waitwait_realmedia modules

These two modules provide the low level functionality to process and download NPR Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me episodes.Until a few months ago, the older NPR API existed and worked without issues, but because it was so successful it went away. I now try to fix functionality that is broken, but it is slow undocumented going – hence, diffusion. This is just like my experience with the freshair and freshair_by_year modules.


The functionality for downloading RealMedia NPR Wait Wait episodes, which lives in waitwait_realmedia, has not been tested in years. This module is used to download Wait Wait episodes before 2006; it may no longer work!

nprstuff.core.waitwait.get_all_waitwaits_year(yearnum, inputdir)

Looks for missing NPR Wait Wait episodes in a given year, then downloads them.

  • yearnum (int) – the year for which to search for missing NPR Wait Wait episodes.

  • inputdir (str) – the directory into which the NPR Wait Wait episodes are downloaded.

nprstuff.core.waitwait.get_title_mp3_urls_working(outputdir, date_s, driver, dump=False)

Using the new, non-API NPR functionality, get a list of tuple of stories for an NPR Wait Wait episode. This uses a Webdriver to get an episode. Here is an example operation,

>> date_s = datetime.datetime.strptime('August 8, 2020', '%B %d, %Y' ).date( )
>> title_list_mp3_urls = get_title_mp3_urls_working( '.', date_s, driver )
>> title_list_mp3_urls
>> [("Who's Bill This Time?",
 ('Panel Questions',
 ('Bluff the Listener',
 ("Bryan Cranston Plays 'Not My Job' on 'Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!'",
 ('Panel Questions',
 ('Lightning Fill in the Blank',
  • outputdir (str) – the directory into which one downloads the NPR Wait Wait episodes.

  • date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a Saturday.

  • driver – the Webdriver used for webscraping and querying (instead of using a functional API) for NPR Wait Wait episodes.

  • dump (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Fresh Air episode, or its file representation, and dumps the XML data into an XML file. Default is False.


the list of stories, by order, for the NPR Wait Wait episode. The first element of each tuple is the story title, and th second is the MP3 URL for the story. However, if debug is True, returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for this NPR Wait Wait episode.

See also


nprstuff.core.waitwait.get_title_mp3_urls_working_2023(date_s, debug=False)

Maybe this works? Trying out on 2023-08-18 (day after my 45th birthday). Same format as get_title_mp3_urls_working. Example code block below:

>> date_s = datetime.datetime.strptime('August 8, 2020', '%B %d, %Y' ).date( )
>> title_list_mp3_urls = get_title_mp3_urls_working_2023( date_s )
>> title_list_mp3_urls
>> [("Who's Bill This Time?",
 ('Panel Questions',
 ('Bluff the Listener',
 ("Bryan Cranston Plays 'Not My Job' on 'Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!'",
 ('Panel Questions',
 ('Lightning Fill in the Blank',
  • date_s (date) – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • debug (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup HTML tree for the NPR Wait Wait episode. Default is False.


the list of stories, by order, for the NPR Wait Wait episode. The first element of each tuple is the story title, and the second is the MP3 URL for the story. Otherwise returns None.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.waitwait.get_waitwait(outputdir, date_s, order_totnum=None, dump=False, justFix=False)

The main driver method that downloads NPR Wait Wait episodes for a given date into a specified output directory.

  • outputdir (str) – the directory into which one downloads the NPR Wait Wait episodes.

  • date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a weekday.

  • order_totnum (tuple) – optional argument, the tuple of track number and total number of tracks of NPR Wait Wait episodes for that year. If None, then this information is gathered from get_order_num_saturday_in_year.

  • dump (bool) – optional argument, if True returns the BeautifulSoup XML tree for the NPR Wait Wait episode (and downloads the XML tree into a file). Default is False.

  • justFix (bool) – optional argument, if True and if NPR Wait Wait file exists, then just change the title of the M4A file. Default is False.


the name of the NPR Wait Wait episode file.

Return type:



candidateNPRWaitWaitFile (str) – the name of the NPR Wait Wait episode file name.


the date object from the NPR Wait Wait episode file name.

Return type:



Get the NPR Wait Wait logo as binary data.


the NPR Wait Wait logo as binary data, see below.

nprstuff.core.waitwait.get_waitwait_valid_dates_remaining_tuples(yearnum, inputdir)

a sorted list of tuple, ordered by candidate track number of the NPR Wait Wait episode. The tuple has three elements: the track number of NPR Wait Wait episodes that year, the total number of NPR Wait Wait episodes that year, and the date for that episode.

Return type:


nprstuff.core.waitwait_realmedia.rm_create_wav_file(date_s, rm_file, outdir='/mnt/software/sources/pythonics/nprstuff/docsrc')

Uses MPlayer to convert the RealMedia NPR Wait Wait file into WAV format.

nprstuff.core.waitwait_realmedia.rm_download_file(date_s, outdir='/mnt/software/sources/pythonics/nprstuff/docsrc')

downloads the RealMedia NPR Wait Wait episode into a specified directory.

  • date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a Saturday.

  • outdir (str) – the directory into which one downloads the NPR Fresh Air episodes.


the RealMedia output file.

Return type:



date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a Saturday.


the full RealMedia URL for this older NPR Wait Wait episode.

Return type:



date_s – the date for this episode, which must be a Saturday.


a full title for the NPR Wait Wait RealMedia episode.

Return type:
